If you want to show your support for the cause of “Bury Folk Keep It Green” in a practical way, why not become a member of “The Friends of Bury Folk”?
The Friends of Bury Folk is an association set up with the aim of protecting the Green Belt and open spaces in Bury and to fight against the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework. We are the group who have been actively organising the campaign in Bury against the destruction of the Green Belt and keeping the public informed and up to date via our website, social media, leaflets etc. To continue to do this effectively we need financial support to cover our outgoings and to be able to plan future action.
If you wish to join us and support us in our fight to keep Bury green, then please become a Member of The Friends of Bury Folk. The Membership Fee is £10 a year per person. You just need to download and complete the Membership Application Form below and follow the instructions on the form for sending payment.
Alternatively simply send the following information in an email to fobfmembership@btinternet.com : - Full name, Address, Contact telephone number, email address and your payment method (Cheque or transfer).
Payment Methods: -
Bank transfer to HSBC sort code 40-15-21 account number 31647571 (please use your name as the reference) or Cheques made payable to The Friends of Bury Folk and send to Membership Secretary, The Friends of Bury Folk, 465 Walshaw Road, Bury, BL8 3AA. (Please write your name and address on the back of the cheque).
In return, you will be sent newsletters by email (or post if you don’t have an email address) and have the opportunity to attend our meetings.
And you don’t have to leave it there. If you feel that you’d like to provide more in the way of financial support, you can either make a one off donation or, if you are able to give a regular amount, set up a Standing Order. Please email fobfmembership@btinternet.com with the details and to let us know that you are doing this. Our bank details are as follows: HSBC sort code 40-15-21 account number 31647571. Please use your name as the reference.
Further information about The Friends of Bury Folk can be found in our Constitution (see link below). If you want to become a Member of The Friends of Bury Folk, please read the Constitution and also the Code of Conduct of The Friends of Bury Folk (documents below).